Case Study: National Call Service Center
Client was seeking an enterprise wide integrated solution to synchronize the arrival of installers and required equipment / parts to job¬sites, monitor and respond to client concerns during installation and reduce inventory levels. Regional management centers competed for installers and inventory, resulting in fragmented visibility and management of corporate assets, multiple ordering of inventory
The Situation
- Client was seeking an enterprise wide integrated solution to synchronize the arrival of installers and required equipment / parts to job¬sites, monitor and respond to client concerns during installation and reduce inventory levels.
- Regional management centers competed for installers and inventory, resulting in fragmented visibility and management of corporate assets, multiple ordering of inventory and uncoordinated arrivals of installers and supplies at installation sites.
- Duplicate orders for engineered to specification equipment and parts resulted in excess inventory, increasing the company’s overall infrastructure requirements and operational costs.
The Solution
- Conduct a Failure Modes Effects Analysis (FMEA) to ensure all critical elements of the enterprise solution are understood and potential break points are addressed and mitigated.
- Establish a national call / operations center with 24/7/365 nationwide responsibility for scheduling, prioritizing, and managing installer requirements.
- Assess the performance of installers.
- Create centralized visibility of on hand inventory, in¬transit inventory to work sites and customer feedback.
- Implement programs to address inventory stock¬positioning, reverse logistics and disposal.
Resulting Benefits
- The national call center received formal recognition from the Department of Defense (DOD), state governments and major commercial firms for its nonstop performance in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 tragedy.
- Inventory operating costs were reduced by over $70 million.
- Excess inventory disposal returned over $27 million to the client.